Midwinter Meanderings

by Keith Krych

Well it’s that time of year; post super bowl no hockey and open water fishing only a distant dream. So for you non-ice fishers; here are a couple of thoughts.

* Why is it, the most productive lure you have, is the ONLY one of its kind you have?
* And when you buy several more like it … none of them work.
* Why when the Walleyes are biting great, they turn off and the Sheephead turn on.
* How can I just kill the eye’s the day before a tournament, but can’t catch a cold the day of the tournament.
* Why do fish seem to loose a couple of pounds between when you catch them and when you weigh them in.
* It will be sunny out if I have my rain gear, but as soon as I forget it, an “unexpected” storm comes out of no ware to get me drenched.
* Where do the biting flies come from in the middle of the lake, and could the PLEASE go back to ware ever they came from.
* Why is it the largest Walleye you ever hooked always comes off AT THE BOAT.
* Why is it when you forget the net, you’ll REALY need it.
* Ever notice when the fish are biting only on minnows, you only have worms, and vice versa?
* How come the weather is beautiful during the work week, but is $%!##@ on the weekends